Friday, January 27, 2017

A Kid's Cry: Notice Me!!

Thursday afternoon, my son William called me after work.  "Dad, come watch me play golf."  I headed for the course and spent the next hour or so watching my son swing a club at a little ball.  As he played, he made sure to tell his golf ignorant father about each club and why it was used.  Most importantly, he looked over his shoulder regularly to be sure I was watching him play and not on my phone or daydreaming.

Even at 15, my son needs someone to notice him.  We all need this.  How much more is this a priority for young children?  The whole scene reminded me of what I'm learning in Conscious Discipline about Noticing and letting kids know through our specific words and actions that we really see them.  This is more than a quick "Good job," which is really a form of judgment.  Instead, when we notice a child, we let them know we see what they are doing.  "You jumped up in the air and your arms went like this."  "You started every sentence with a capital and ended with a period.  You did it." "You held the door so your friend could walk in.  That was helpful."

True noticing takes focus and work.  But it is what kids want and need from the adults in their lives.

This week, take time to really notice your kids.  It makes a difference.

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