Thursday, April 26, 2012

Two lives?

Galations 5:22 says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, PATIENCE, goodness, kindness, gentleness, and self-control.  Against such there is no law."  One of the adults in my classroom commented to my wife how patient I was with one of my classes, a group of boys who are, as most boys tend to be, moving constantly, squirming, tapping, you know the drill.  That was certainly a compliment, as I don't see myself as patient at all, especially with students.  But, then, I get home and my patience drops.  I realized the other evening that, while I am patient with other people's children, it is very difficult to be patient with my own.  My wife, who told me of the compliment, was also good enough to point this out as well. 

This got me to thinking.  Am I following two standards: one at work and one at home?  Or, am I the same person in both places?  As a follower of Jesus Christ, there should be no disconnect between who I am in any situation.  My character should be the same even if my responses are not.  So, my work for the time being is to ensure that how I am at school is also how I am home is how I am at the grocery store get the picture. The goal is to be one person, no matter the situation.  Ultimately, the goal is to reflect the nature of Christ in every situation.   

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