But, I'd like to make another suggestion. Instead of just making it through these last six weeks, how about we do the opposite. How about making the last six weeks the best six weeks?
Here are some ideas:
1) Focus the fun - As you create your lessons, intentionally ask questions like, "How can I add some more fun to this?" For example, you could turn a lesson into a game. You could let kids create something related to what they are learning. You could let them teach something, possibly using an app like FlipGrid. The possibilities are endless.
2) Can the count down - When you count down the days to the end of school, you may be doing the exact opposite of what you want. You could be sending the message to kids (and possibly to yourself) that school is something to be endured until summer break instead of an opportunity to learn to the very end. We could also be creating a sense of anxiety in some of your kids, especially those to whom school is the one stable factor in their lives. Instead of counting down the days, think of ways to make each day count.
3) Love em' with letters - Write a note to every student to give them at the end of the year. Start now. Remind them of all the positive things they have done and learned. Tell them what you appreciate most about them. Reflect on a fun or funny moment you had with them. In doing this, you are also reminding yourself of how special your kids are. When we focus on the good things about people, we start seeing more of those good things in people.
4) Pursue the positive - As the school year wraps up, there tend to be more challenges than usual. Calendars are full, time is short, behaviors are often less than desirable. The interesting thing is, you tend to get more of what you focus on. If you focus on difficulties, you are going to see more difficulties. However, if you focus on the positive, you will see more positives. Like how much growth your kids have experienced. How so many have matured since the beginning of the school year. How you have improved and grown in your profession. Focusing on the positive helps you keep a positive attitude and that spreads to your kids.
5) Leverage the learning - Squeeze as much learning as you can out of the year. Although routines will be altered due to activities, it is imperative to stay focused on learning. Indeed, that is why we are all here. Do everything you can to use these last days to help your kids continue to grow academically. Stick to your learning routines and keep the expectations high. It is not always easy, but I've never met an educator who looked back and said, "I wish I hadn't taught my kids as much as I did." It will be worth it.
The last six weeks can be the best six weeks. We just have to choose to make it so.
What would you add to this list? I'd love to hear more ideas from you.