Wednesday, February 22, 2017



The word conjures images of greatness, heroism, once in a lifetime experiences. I've yet to meet someone who doesn't want to live an epic life, making a difference in the world.   But, what if being epic and living an epic life were different than our current reality?

What if being epic doesn't mean doing big things, but instead means doing little things well?  What if epic is spending true quality time with your kids or your spouse?  What if it is teaching a child to read? Or write? Or speak?  What if epic is helping a student understand what it means to add and subtract? What if it is inspiring a student to dream big?  What if being epic means giving your time or resources to help someone who could never pay you back?  Or just being there for someone in need?

What if living an epic life is really just doing what we are called to do and doing it well, day by day, no matter the circumstances or obstacles that stand in our way?

Now, that, my friends, is epic.

Thanks to John Spencer (@spencerideas) and the EduAllStars podcast for the inspiration for this post.

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