Thursday, January 3, 2019

Power of Habit

This year, instead of New Year's resolutions, I've decided to make some new habits instead.  Better yet, I've decided to replace some negative habits with positive ones. 

In The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg explains that you don't break old habits.  Instead you replace them with new ones.  For example, I used to have the habit of biting my nails.  I noticed that I had the urge to bite them just after I'd ran my finger over the edges and found any rough spots.  This was my trigger.  So, I devised a plan.  I purchased a package of emory boards.  Every time I found a rough spot, instead of biting, I filed it down.  So, now I have replaced the habit of biting my nails with the more positive habit of filing them.  It was a worthwhile trade off.

 This year, the habits I plan to replace are:

1)  Starting the day looking at the phone (I have the habit of reading the news first thing in the morning)
Replacement Habit:  Start the day with a time of prayer followed by Bible reading.  When I get up, my first step is to go into the living room and pray while kneeling in front of the couch.  No one is awake yet, so I have quiet time to myself.  This is followed by breakfast and Bible reading. 

2)  Spending time at work after I've reached my mental limit (I have developed the habit of trying to push a little further and get a little more done.  I don't produce quality work and I just get exhausted.)
Replacement Habit:  Leave the office no later than 6 pm each day and go to the YMCA to work out.  This will renew my mind and help me mentally prepare to go home and spend quality time with family.

3)  Watching TV at night (It has become a habit to go home and turn on the TV.  This is both non-productive and time wasting)
Replacement Habit:  Read at least one chapter in a book and write in my blog each evening.  (Please note:  I do reserve Friday night for watching Netflix)

4)  Looking at my phone while people are talking to me (This habit has gotten me into a lot of trouble with my family and it really is disrespectful to others)
Replacement Habit:  When someone is talking to me, turn my phone upside down and leave it there.  Devote my full attention to the person at hand.

I'm sure I will come up with more as the year progresses, but this is a good start.  What habits do you need to replace and what will you replace them with?

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