Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 7-Now what?

Today is the last day of my personal challenge to blog once a day for seven days.  I did it!!! In the process, I've seen my idea bank begin to fill up again and have started looking at everyday situations as learning opportunities.  On day one, I shared that I felt I had nothing of importance to say.  That may still be true, but I do have plenty to write about, important or not.  

Now that I've finished this challenge, its time to move to the next step.  I'm juggling the ideas of continuing to write a post a day or writing one post a week.  Writing a post a day has helped me stay focused and started me on the road to a new habit, both of which are necessary for success.  However, the quality of daily posts may not be the best.  I find myself regularly updating and making minor changes throughout.  By writing a post a week, I would have time to delve deeper into a topic and make my writing more concise and relevant.  Unfortunately, I might also fall back into the habit of putting off writing.  Overcoming this habit is why I started this challenge in the first place.  

I think the best solution is a melding of these two.  I can still write a post a day even if I don't publish it immediately.  Instead, I can allow the post time to simmer as I work on other ideas.  By weeks end, I will have several to choose from and can pick the best to publish.  The others can be used at later dates and times.  By keeping this flow going,  I will always have some posts ready and others in the working stages.  Sounds like a plan to me.  

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